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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 13, 2008 8:06 AM.

Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park to Meet


GWAPP (Greenpoint Waterfront Association for Parks and Planning) has been rolling out a series of "Friends of..." groups - mini-advocacy groups for specific parks in Greenpoint. This is a great way to bring grass-roots advocacy down to the neighborhood park level, all the while with the backing of a large and experienced organization. We'll let GWAPP explain further:

The best way to get the parks we deserve is through persistent community attention to each park. GWAPP (Greenpoint Waterfront Association for Parks & Planning) is helping kickstart a big (and sustained) Push for Parks all across our North Brooklyn neighborhoods to create, support and unite park-specific Friends Groups. The purpose of these groups will be to gather information about the way the community uses the parks, the issues and needs of each park and to establish a community representatives for each park, who persistently push for improvements – whether from the city, the Open Space Alliance for North Brooklyn, neighbors, local businesses, grants…

On Wednesday, the first meeting of what, for now, is called the Friends of BIP (Bushwick Inlet Park) will be held at the Gutter Bar. BIP is the new park that was promised during the City’s waterfront rezoning - it will be a 28 acre park straddling the Greenpoint/Williamsburg Waterfront, stretching from the State Park at North 9th Street to the northern side of the Inlet by Meserole Avenue.

As GWAPP says, this park was promised to the community - come help make it a reality.

Who: Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park
When: May 14th at 7 pm
Where: The Gutter Bar
200 N.14th (between Wythe and Berry St)
(Unfortunately no children allowed – against bar policy)

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Eberhard Faber

