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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2008 10:14 PM.

Work Begins At McCarren Pool

Via Brownstoner, evidence of actual work at McCarren Park Pool!

Comments (2)


Regarding Assemblyman Lentol's legislation to stop the thefts of the memorial plaques: I read that part of what he hopes to do does have to do with the scrap metal dealers. He wants to revoke the licenses of scrap metal dealers who get caught with these along with charging them with possession of stolen property. Lentol wants to make it too risky to buy the stolen plaques and therefore cut off the demand to steal them. But I like your idea for public pillorying a lot too!!


Sorry - I forgot to the comments on for that one. Like I said, its a crime for scrap metal dealers (or anyone else for that matter) to accept stolen property. A little enforcement could go a long way here, but absent effective enforcement, it is good that Joe is doing something (and as a legislator, there is not a lot he can do about enforcement).

Regarding pillorying, do we know which dealers are the worst offenders?

(Do scrap metal dealers need a license?)

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Eberhard Faber

